I am going to start off the post recapping a few things going on and then divert to more of a personal note.
The Weekish (ok probably 2) in Review
We have been staying very busy both with work and leisure. The clubs are up and running and have had elections and even started a few activities. It was awesome seeing everyone so excited (One Primary school has 60 members in the club and more want to join!!!!) The kids are excited and it is very refreshing to see. Unfortunately they are entering testing season (The dreaded time of year that every teacher and student hates). These test determine passing to next grades and even an entrance exam to determine which Secondary school they are allowed to choose. The Secondary schools are separated in part by academic achievement. Being a teacher who has worked with kids all the way from AP top of the class students to "Special Ed" classes, (grossly mislabeled but slowly things are changing), it is a little disheartening and knowing how every kid has the capability of learning and achieving great things, but everyone learns differently. Take me for example.....I was never in AP English classes because I hate reading. Well hate is a strong word.....I just do not like sitting still to read. I have been forcing myself to read at home, and even going to the beach to read which has been extremely rewarding and therapeutic.
But I digress....
The clubs have started litter campaigns and trash sorting in the schools, we have done initial surveys to try and get to know the students and some of them have really been enlightening. One thing we noticed across the survey and schools was that the students typically have the same needs when it comes to conservation. Many know some about litter and environmental issues, but they do not know exactly what role they play and how they can communicate the issues to family and community. Opportunity abound just by this little revelation. This week is Global Environmental Week and tons of "End Plastic Pollution" events are going on. Listening to the students relay what they have learned and their excitement is encouraging and puts a little lump in your throat. We are even helping get the word out about a monthly clean up campaign a friend we made in JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) has been heading up.
Presenting Watersheds and how to reduce litter
In my spare time we did a Turtle Watching Camp and beach clean up on Grand Anse Beach. This beach is located on the East side of the Island and pretty secluded. However, even this beach was not untouched by humans as plastic pollution had washed up from the Atlantic and from other sources. I was tired and did not attempt to stay up all night walking the beach looking for a Leatherback turtle so I slept under the stars. It turned out to be a good decision as the turtles eluded us, but we did see some tracks of turtles that may have been before the weekend or some other time. This was a truly amazing trip that I really needed away from the city. I am so close to everything that sometimes I really miss hiking trails and bugs. We did see a couple of mongooses running across the road the other day tho.
Driving down to Grand Anse
Grand Anse covered in Seagassum (huge bloom right now)
Sunset and Sand Dunes (I was really excited about the Sand Dunes)
Waking up early to see the Sunrise
June marks the start of Carnival season. It is filled with fetes, limes, SoCa music, Extempo (kind of a rap battle...also not sure if I spelled it right), Carnival Queens, and Jumping (dancing with bands). It was amazing seeing all the colors and dancing and excitement of the kick off event on Epic Wednesday. I plan on going to a few beach parties, fetes, and maybe some SoCa concerts where they throw that dry paint at you. My camera is not waterproof so you will probably have to take my word on how fun some of these are. haha
Epic Wednesday Carnival Preview May 30th
The Carnival Bands costumes and dancing
The other things I have been doing is continuing karate trying to get the rust off and get back in shape, and I am starting to get back in nature more. I bought some mesh fabric to make a butterfly net, and some trash bags to walk around and pick up litter in my neighborhood. I am dying to just be outside. I love nature so much and it is so relaxing. I sat in a Derek Walcott Square where two Nobel Lauretes are honored and marveled at this huge tree that is huge for being in the center of the capital of Castries. I am looking forward to hiking the rain forest soon and maybe doing some zip lining. Lots of adventures still to have. As for new food and drink tasted.....Cane Juice squeezed from sugar cane is great and way better than coconut water. Probably less healthy too, but I love food.
Look at this Huge Tree (Derek Walcott Square, Castries Saint Lucia)
Now for the Reflection
I have now been here for about 3 months. I've grown to love this island and feel fairly at home. Even being over here I have to see the news back home. It makes me sad because being away from all of it makes the divisiveness and bigotry so much more apparent. It made me contemplate what makes someone a great leader. Different people will answer that question differently. I know a few people who I have worked with that I would follow through even the worst situations. Leading by example, uniting people, being encouraging. So many traits. Then there is the news about the Education Council doing research on what is causing so much gun violence in schools without looking at guns. It seems ridiculous, but there are also other issues besides the guns themselves. There is also the topics of mental health, which is also a big issue here with the health care system the way it is. This leads to the question of why is mental health such a big issue nowadays? Why is it so much more prevalent than before? Obviously one of many reasons is that we are able to diagnose it better. However, I have been reading a lot of ecological philosophy books and just environment books in general and there seems to be some interesting ideas there too. Today's society mostly lives in cities and is stuck in front of screens both things that contribute to stress and coritisol. Nature is a natural stress reliever. Everyone pretty much agrees when you go on vacation you go for the environment. This is not a new idea either. Nature heals us, its in our DNA, we are born loving the outdoors, and being scared of some animals for reasons we don't quite understand because we picked up those fears so young. A healthy environment is absolutely vital for the health of humans in so many different facets. We put plants in offices and around our houses, we have pets, we go to beaches and mountains, and so many of these things relax us. Nature is part of who we are even if we are completely disconnected with it and try and destroy it either knowingly or not. All this to say Nature is so diverse, beautiful, exotic, and therapeutic. There is something alluring about it no matter what philosophy you accept. Whether you try to relate to nature with personal experiences or accept the spiritual connection in all things, whether you look at nature mechanistically or just enjoy the beautifully unexplainable nuances there is always something for everyone.
Nature is always waiting for you, and is resilient, but not unchanging. Mother Earth will always be here, but the living conditions may not be favorable.
I ranted enough and probably a little unintelligibly. Nature is so cool though!